What constitutes the OPTIMALSET?


Peter Stengele, Metabolism Coach.

From a Sports Invalid to a 7-time FULL DISTANCE IRONMAN

This was the first major lesson in my life that I taught myself: that one's life and health are in one's own hands. After a severe knee injury and surgery, my doctors at the time understandably strongly advised against doing any sport involving running. By the age of 40, I was predicted to have such severe arthritis that I would inevitably need an artificial knee. Instead, I began with triathlon.

That was 25 years ago... Today, at the age of 57, I have thousands of running kilometers behind me (and hopefully still ahead), without permanent injuries and - most importantly - with all my "original parts". One big part in 

How is this possible?

It's my story about lifestyle, nutrition, training, discipline, about highs and lows, and about incredible lessons and insights into the capabilities of body and mind that have made me what I am today.

A significant portion of my current fitness and health, and the ability to train at the level of a 35-year-old man, I owe to FitLine products, starting with my morning Powercocktail and Restorate every evening and after every training session.

In recent years, I have been able to further educate myself and invest in myself to pursue my heart's mission today: to help other people lead a healthier and happier life.